When showing your home for a private showing, there are some things you will want to consider. Do not leave any valuables or medications out, lock them up. Real Estate Agents will watch for odd behavior in the perspective buyers but sometimes things happen that are out of the agents' control. Remove (or limit) the family photos you have on display, remember, you want your perspective buyer to see their family in the home, not yours. Make sure your home is clean, no dirty dishes in the sink, clean any cat boxes so they are fresh, no dirty laundry laying around, clean the toilets, declutter the kitchen counter, have minimal items on the countertop. Take the trash out and make the beds, also don't forget to do a quick once around the yard to make sure that it looks like a yard your perspective homebuyer would want to hang out in. These are all little items that will go a long way in not only selling your home but getting top dollar for your home.
Clean up
First impression is everything! Clean up your home and make it spotless.
Organize everything, including closets
Don’t forget to check inside your closets and other hidden places. They will want to see everything.
Make Your home cozy and inviting
Add artwork, plants, dried flowers, candles and other things that will make the property feel homey.
Ask a friend to take care of your pet during the viewing.
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